Organizing templates in the template browser – Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 214

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Chapter 2

Creating and Managing Projects

Tip: If you plan to share custom templates with other users, it is recommended that
you copy your custom templates folder to that computer’s Home/Library/Application

Note: In the General section of the Motion Preferences (press Command+,), you can
direct Motion to the folder on your system or network that contains the content and
templates. This also allows multiple users on a network to share a single, centralized

To save a project as a template:


Choose File > Save as Template.


When the save sheet appears, type a name for the template.


In the Collection pop-up menu, choose a collection in which to store your template.

Note: You cannot save into one of the system collections.


If you want to create a new collection to add your new template to, click New
Collection, then type a name in the New Collection dialog, then click Create.


Choose the format that your template conforms to from the Format pop-up menu.


If you want your template to play a preview when it appears in the Template Browser,
turn on Create QuickTime Preview.


Click Save.

Your new template is saved into the collection you selected. Customized templates are
saved into Home/Library/Application Support/Motion/Templates, in a folder that
corresponds to the name of the collection you’ve selected.

Note: Unless you selected an alternate installation location when you first installed
Motion, the templates that shipped with Motion appear in the Users/Shared/Motion/
folder by default.

Organizing Templates in the Template Browser

You can use the Template Browser to select and organize your templates, if necessary.
All templates are organized into categories. You can add, delete, and rename categories
directly in the Template Browser.

To add a category in the Template Browser:


Choose File > Open Template.


Click New Collection.


Enter a name for the collection into the sheet at the top of the Template Browser.


Click Create.

The new category appears in the Collection column at the left. Page 214 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM