Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 983

background image



Noise 802
Op Art 802
saving 809
sharing 811
Soft Gradient 803
Star 803
Stripes 804
Swirly 804
types of 797
using as particle cell sources 814

Gestures 961–971

basic usage 965
configuring 961
disabling gesture sound 964
for general navigation 966
for playback control 966
general commands 968
in the air 123, 963
in the Timeline 969
modifier keys 965
preferences 123, 961
trigger 123

Glass Block filter 744
Glass Distortion filter 745
Gloom filter 757

adding to text objects 506
default text glow 506
editing on text objects 506
with text objects 505

Glow filter 757
Glow filters 753–759
Go to end of project 45
Go to start of project 45
Gradient Blur filter 719
Gradient Colorize filter 732
Gradient Editor

adding colors 487
adding opacity tags 487
changing color opacity 488
changing colors 485
changing color spread 487
distributing gradient tags 489
modifying opacity 487
moving colors 486
removing colors 487
reversing gradient direction 489
using with text objects 485

Gradient generator 801
Gradients 100

applying parameter behaviors to 491
applying to text objects 481
categories 95
custom Library icons 490
in the Library 190
saving to Library 489


broadcast video and 953
computer vs. video 953
distorted 951–952
line art 953
pixels and 951–952
video output and 951, 952


broadcast video and 953

Gravity behavior 379
Grid 41

in Layers tab 61
layers 291
objects 202

Grow/Shrink behavior 346

Dashboard controls 346
example of 392

Guides 41

addding to Canvas 44
changing color of 45
removing from Canvas 44


Halftone filter 772

displaying in Canvas 42

Handwriting Recognition

in Motion Preferences 962

Hard Light blend mode 262
Hard Mix blend mode 265
Hatched Screen filter 772
HDCAM format 946
Help 9
Help menu 137

layers 203
Toolbar 35

High definition video

formats 945–946
frame rates 945
shooting 946

High-definition video 945
Highpass filter 773
High-resolution images 165
Hold end condition 187
Hold frames 187
Holdout masks 871
Holdout mattes 871
HSV Adjust filter 733


Icon view 91, 160
Icon View button 89
Image masks 865 Page 983 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM