Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 620

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Chapter 8

Working With Particles

To save a particle system to the particle Library:


Open the Library and select either the Particles, Favorites, or Favorites Menu category.


Drag the emitter object you want to save into the stack at the bottom of the Library.

Note: For organizational purposes, you may find it useful to create a new folder of your
own in the Favorites or Favorites Menu category to store your particle systems.

When you save a particle preset, it’s saved as a file in the Home/Library/Application
Support/Motion/Library/Particle Emitters
folder. Any custom objects that you used to
create that particle system also appear here.

You can copy particle presets you create from this location to give to other Motion
users, or you can add particle presets that are given to you to this same folder.
Whenever you copy a particle preset file, you should make sure that you also copy any
graphics or movie files that it uses as well. Page 620 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM