Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 986

background image



shape control points 848
shapes 848
thinning 428
trimming keyframed effects 423


using multiple keys 872

Keying filters 760–764


Late-Breaking News 11
Layered Photoshop files 170
Layer list

in the Timeline 276

Layer markers 312

and object order 219
and particles 569
applying behaviors to 325
arranging object order 219
collapsing and uncollapsing 208
creating 72, 201
creating new 288, 289
fixing the size of 204
grouping 291
keyboard shortcuts 934
locking 207
nesting 194
nesting inside other layers 202
organizing 194
placing inside other layers 291
placing one layer inside another 291
renaming 208
searching for 209
showing and hiding 203
soloing 204
sorting in Media tab 210
transforming in Canvas 221
ungrouping 291

Layers icon 33
Layers tab 20, 54–61

adding layers 58
additional columns 56
Blend Mode column 56
displaying 55
Layers list 59
Lock column 56
Name column 55
Opacity column 56
Preview column 55
removing objects 58
reorganizing objects 200
showing behaviors 59
showing filters 60
showing masks 59

Layer track 301, 306

slipping 305
trimming 304

Layouts 21

Alternate 22
Cinema 22
deleting 26
duplicating 26
preset layouts 21
renaming 26
saving custom layouts 25
Standard 22
switch to saved custom layout 26

Lens Flare filter 774
Level meters 85

for audio tracks 889

Levels filter 734
Library 19, 93–97

adding content to 192
adding new folders 97
applying effects 94
Back button 94
Behaviors category 95
browsing for behaviors 320
changing fonts in 466
custom text style icon 513
Favorites folder 96
Favorites menu 96
file stack 96
filters 702
filters category 95
font browser 468
fonts category 95
Forward button 94
generators category 95
gradients category 95
icon 31
icon size 97
icon view 97
Icon View button 94
keyboard shortcuts 935
list view 97
List View button 94
LiveFonts category 95
music 96
Particle emitters 569
particle emitters category 95
particles 569
Path pop-up menu 94
photos 96
playing previews 94
Preview area 93, 96
replicators 95 Page 986 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM