Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 80

Chapter 1
Getting To Know Motion
The Ruler
At the top of the keyframe graph is a ruler which provides a gauge for the positions
and durations of the keyframes and curves. The ruler is identical to the one in the
Timeline. For more information on working with the ruler, see “
Zooming in the Keyframe Editor
As you get familiar with using the Keyframe Editor, you may want to switch between
focusing on an individual keyframe or curve and seeing the overview of your whole
project. Fortunately, you can quickly zoom in and out on the Keyframe Editor using a
variety of different tools.
The bottom of the Keyframe Editor contains a Zoom slider and a Zoom/Scroll control.
To zoom the Keyframe Editor using the Zoom slider:
Click the thumb of the Zoom slider and drag left to zoom in or right to zoom out.
The Keyframe Editor updates as you drag.
To zoom the Keyframe Editor using the Zoom/Scroll control:
Drag the edge of the scroll bar thumb away from the center to zoom out and toward
the center to zoom in.
The Keyframe Editor updates as you drag.
You can also automatically zoom the Keyframe Editor to include the entire duration of
your project or just the play range as defined by the Play Range indicators (In and Out
To zoom the Keyframe Editor to fit the entire project, do one of the following:
Choose View > Zoom Time View > To Project.
Control-click the ruler, then choose Zoom to Project from the shortcut menu.
To zoom the Keyframe Editor to fit the play range, do one of the following:
Choose View > Zoom Time View > To Play Range.
Control-click the ruler, then choose Zoom to Play Range from the shortcut menu.
Zoom slider
Zoom/Scroll control
Thumb Page 80 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM