Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 993

line and wave shape parameters 658
parameters for 647
properties 639
removing 632
removing source objects from 635
replacing source image 629
saving to Library 699
scale 641
sequence control parameters 686
Sequence Replicator behavior 681
shapes 638
shape-specific parameters 652
source objects 627
timing 642
transforming 640
Traversal option 694
using multiple source objects 633
with behaviors 696
parameters 417, 418
project In and Out points 309
Resize windows 23
Reveal in Finder 64, 90
Reveal source media 61, 66
Reveal Source Media command 180, 209
Reverse behavior 366
Reverting project 154
Ring Lens filter 748
Ring Warp filter 749
ripple 297
Ripple Delete 297
Ripple filter 749
Roll-up button 35
objects 233
text characters 478
Rotational Drag behavior 387
Rotation handle 230
about 862
example of 863
guidelines 863, 864
changing location of 44
turning on and off 43
Save All command 153
Save As command 153
behaviors 343–344
generators 809
presets 101
projects 152
keyframing example 405
objects 230
Scrape filter 750
Screen blend mode 258
Scroll Down text behavior 529
Scroll Up text behavior 529
Scrubbing audio 87
SD (standard-definition) video 952
Search field 89, 95
for files 89
for layers and objects 209
Select/Transform tool 28, 225
Separators 28, 32
Sepia filter 735
Sequence Replicator behavior 681
custom Traversal option 694
Parameter behaviors 695
parameters 688
applying parameters to 531
parameters 537
using 531
Set Matte filter 765
Shape object tab 104
about 819
adding and deleting control points 829
adjusting tangent handles 833
animating 847
applying behaviors to 847
applying filters to 847
Bezier splines 820
b-splines 823
categories 95
changing gradient direction 838
circles 840
creating filled or emtpy 842 Page 993 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM