Favorites and the favorites menu, Adding your own content to the library – Apple Motion 2 User Manual

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Chapter 2

Creating and Managing Projects

Favorites and the Favorites Menu

It’s easy to customize the behaviors, filters, particle systems, gradients, and generators
used in Motion to create your own effects. These customized objects are saved into
their corresponding categories. The Favorites category provides a place to put
objects—built-in or custom-made—that you frequently use. You can also place
frequently used media files into the Favorites, such as PDF or TIFF files. Objects you put
in the Favorites category are available to every project you create in Motion.

Objects you place in the Favorites Menu folder appear in the Favorites menu, for even
faster access. When you choose an item from the Favorites menu, that item is placed
into the currently selected layer, positioned at the center of the Canvas. Objects you
put in the Favorites Menu are available to every project in Motion.

Whenever you drag an object into the Favorites or Favorites Menu, that object appears
both in the Favorites category and in the corresponding object category to which it
belongs. For example, placing a particle emitter into the Favorites category also puts
that emitter into the Particle Emitters category. Favorites filters also appear in the Filters
category, shapes also appear in the Shapes category, and so on.

Objects that are dragged into the Favorites and Favorites Menu categories are saved
into the Home/Library/Application Support/Motion/Library/Favorites and /Favorites Menu
directories, respectively.

Note: Objects placed into subcategories that correspond to a folder in the Users/
folder are shared among all user accounts on that

Adding Your Own Content to the Library

You can add your own customized versions of generators, filters, behaviors, and
gradients to categories in the Library. Furthermore, if you work on one or more
programs that frequently recycle the same graphics elements, or if you have a library of
graphics that you use regularly, you can add these media files to the Favorites category.
Content you put into the Library is available to every project in Motion.

To add Motion-generated objects to a Content category:


Drag an object to the Favorites folder in the Library Category list or subcategory list, or
directly into the Library stack.


Each category except the Favorites and Favorites Menu is filtered by the

type of object it represents. For example, you can place a user-customized filter in the
Filters category, but you cannot put a filter into the Behaviors category.

You can also place media from disk into the Favorites category. Page 192 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM