Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 809

Chapter 11
Working With Generators
Set the initial generator parameter values:
Drag the Size slider to set the initial checker size.
Once a keyframe is set for any parameter in a generator, a keyframe is set for all of
the generator parameters. In other words, once the Size parameter is keyframed, the
Color 1, Color 2, Contrast, and Center parameters are keyframed.
Click the color wells and pick the initial colors.
Drag the Contrast slider to set the initial contrast value.
Drag one of the Center parameter value sliders to set the initial Center value.
The value slider on the left of the Center parameter is the X position of the checkers,
and the value slider on the right is the Y position. To animate the checkers
horizontally, use the left value slider. To animate the checkers vertically, use the right
slider. To view the X and Y parameters, click the Center disclosure triangle.
Go to the frame where you want to create the next keyframe.
Change the generator Size, Colors, and Contrast parameter values.
Play the project (press the Space bar).
The animated generator parameters create a moving, changing texture.
Saving Modified Generators
Once you have modified the parameters of a generator, you can save the generator to
the Library. For organizational purposes, it is recommended that you name objects that
you save back to the Library with a descriptive name. For example, if you save a
Checkerboard generator, it is named “Checkerboard 1” by default.
To save a customized generator to the Library:
To rename the modified generator, double-click the generator name in the Layers tab.
Type the new generator name, then press Return. Page 809 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM