Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 42

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Chapter 1

Getting To Know Motion

Film Zone: Turns display of the film aspect ratio guides on and off. This can be helpful
if you are creating a project for videotape that is to be transferred to film. You can
change the size of the guides as well as their color in the Canvas section of Motion

Handles: Turns display of object handles in the Canvas on and off. Viewing object
handles is necessary to perform transformations of objects. Handles only appear on
selected objects. Handles must be turned on to view either lines or animation paths.

Lines: Turns display of the lines that outline an object on and off. These lines only
appear when handles are turned on. If handles are not displayed, the Lines command
has no effect.

Animation Path: Turns animation paths on and off. These editable paths indicate the
route that animated objects travel along. If no object is animated, this command does
not appear to have any effect. If handles are not displayed, the Animation Path
command has no effect. Animation paths created by behaviors are not editable.

Correct for Aspect Ratio: Applies an artificial distortion of the Canvas in projects with
nonsquare pixels. When the setting is on, the computer monitor simulates what a TV
monitor would display. When the setting is off, projects with nonsquare pixels appear
stretched. This is because computer monitors have square pixels. This setting does not
modify the actual output of the project.

Preview for Float Bit Depth: When working in float space, turning this setting off
drops the preview in the Canvas to 8-bit. Since working in float space drastically
increases processing time, turn this setting off to speed your workflow. This setting
does not modify the actual output of the project.

Note: For more information on float space, see “

About Bit Depth

” on page 144.

Field Rendering: Turning this setting off disables field rendering, which is required for
smooth motion playback on a TV monitor. Field rendering nearly doubles rendering
time, so disabling this may result in a dramatic performance improvement.

When this setting is turned on and you are using a default export preset (such as DV
NTSC Movie), your project is exported with field rendering. This is because export
presets are exported with “Use current project and canvas settings” turned on by
default. When this is turned on, whatever is enabled in the View menu is also exported.
This is controlled in the Export Options dialog.

Note: When opening a Motion project in another application such as Final Cut Pro or
DVD Studio Pro, this setting does not control whether field rendering is applied or not.
This is controlled in the Project Properties dialog (press Command+J). When Field
Order is set to anything other than None, field rendering is used in the other
application, regardless of the Field Rendering status in the View menu. Page 42 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM