Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 351

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Chapter 5

Using Behaviors


Dashboard control
The Dashboard has a pop-up menu to control the axis used to adjust the object’s
alignment, and a checkbox to let you invert the axis.

Parameters in the Inspector

Axis: A pop-up menu that lets you specify whether the object aligns itself on its
horizontal or vertical axis.

Invert Axis: If the object is aligning on the correct axis, but appears backwards, this
checkbox flips the object so that it faces the proper direction.

Related behaviors

Align To Motion


Apply the Spin behavior to animate the rotation of an object, spinning it either
clockwise or counter-clockwise. If you trim the end of the Spin behavior to be shorter
than the duration of the object to which it’s applied, it remains at the angle of the last
frame of the behavior, as long as there are no other behaviors or keyframes affecting
that object’s Rotation parameter.

Uses for Spin are fairly obvious, but another way to use the Spin behavior is with
objects that have an off-center anchor point. Since objects rotate around the anchor
point, if you change an object’s anchor point before you apply a Spin behavior to it,
you can quickly change the look of the motion you create. For more information on
changing an object’s anchor point, see “

Changing an Object’s Anchor Point

” on

page 234.

Dashboard control
The Spin behavior’s Dashboard control is a ring. Drag anywhere within the ring to
manipulate an arrow that indicates the direction the object spins. Adjust the length of
the arrow to change the speed at which the spinning occurs. The arrowhead indicates
the object’s final angle once the spinning effect is finished.


Parameters affected


Rotation Page 351 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM