3 fixed bugs and problems, Fixed bugs and problems – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 (process analysis) User Manual
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1 Introduction
tiamo 2.3 (for Process Analysis)
Fixed bugs and problems
Program part Workplace
If the monitoring of the titer validity, the common variable, the global
variable or the calibration data had expired, then it was not possible to
redetermine the titer, the common variable or the global variable via
the CALC command ("Save result as..." ) or to carry out a calibration
(the error was rectified previously in tiamo 2.2 Patch 1).
The program crashed when running MET determinations with Titrinos
(the error was rectified previously in tiamo 2.2 Patch 1).
If the beaker test was enabled and the action Cancel determination
and series was selected in the MOVE command for the beaker test,
then the error track was not being run through when a beaker was
missing (the error was rectified previously in tiamo 2.2 Patch 1).
Communications problems sometimes occurred with the 855 Robotic
Titrosampler during the run of a determination with the command
STDADD auto. The problem has been solved with a new device firm-
If the action Cancel determination and series was activated in the
command MOVE under Beaker test and if a beaker or a vial was
missing on the rack during the sequence, then the message 016-002
Beaker missing would correctly appear. The series was however
interrupted without the error track being run through.
If work was performed with the start volume in connection with the
command TET, then this start volume would be ignored in the evalua-
A chip (IDU/IEU) with invalid data sometimes led to a crash (e.g. in con-
nection with the titer assignment).
If a determination series was started and a new workplace was created
during the determination, the currently running determination was
repeated once again.
If a determination was started in which a result was to be saved both
as a common variable and as a global variable (whereby only the com-
mon variable and not the global variable had been defined in the con-
figuration), then the message 019-108 Global variable not found
would appear. The common variable would however remain reserved
in the configuration and would no longer be enabled.
Determinations could still be started, even if the ACTUAL statistic coun-
ter in the subwindow Run was greater than the NOMINAL statistic
During a KFC determination in which a stop time was defined for the
conditioning, tiamo would "freeze up" after the expiration of the stop