2 editing templates for input lines, 3 templates - output lines, 1 managing templates for output lines – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 1368: Output lines

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6.3 Configuration data




tiamo 2.3 (for Process Analysis)

Editing templates for input lines

Dialog window: Configuration

Tools Templates Input lines Templates for

input lines

[New] / [Edit] New template / Edit template

With [New] or [Edit] the dialog window New template or Edit tem-
opens for entering a new template or for editing an existing tem-

Signal name

Name of the pattern for the input signal.


25 characters

Input signal

Entry of the bit pattern for the input signal with exactly 8 characters. It is
possible to enter the characters

0 = Line inactive,

1 = Line active and

* = Any line status.


Bit pattern with 8 characters (0, 1, *) | ********

Default value


The input lines and bits are numbered from right to left:

Input 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Example: *******1 expects an active input line 0 (1 = set). For example,
this line is set by a Titrino after a titration has been completed and the
Titrino can accept a start signal again.


Input lines that are of no interest or for which no defined condition can
be predicted should also be masked with an asterisk *.

Templates - Output lines

Managing templates for output lines

Dialog window: Configuration

Tools Templates Output lines... Templates

for output lines

The client-specific bit pattern for setting remote output signals can be
defined in the dialog window Templates for output lines; these can be
selected with the command CTRL and in Manual Control. The table with
the defined templates cannot be edited, although it can be sorted accord-