6 templates - electrode types, 1 managing templates for electrode types – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 1374
6.3 Configuration data
tiamo 2.3 (for Process Analysis)
3 … 200 characters
Port number of the POP mail server.
1 ... 1 … 65536
Default value
Name of the user for access to mail server. The name need not agree with
the Windows user name.
2 … 50 characters
Password for the access to the mail server. This password does not neces-
sarily have to be identical to the Windows password.
0 … 50 characters
Templates - Electrode types
Managing templates for electrode types
Dialog window: Configuration
▶ Tools ▶ Templates ▶ Electrode types... ▶ Elec-
trode type templates
Electrode type templates for the evaluation of the test of pH electrodes
are globally valid and can be selected in the command ELT LOOP.
The saved electrode templates are displayed in a table in the dialog win-
dow Electrode type templates. The table cannot be edited, but with a
click on the column title the table can be sorted according to the selected
column in either increasing or decreasing order.
Create a new template. The window Edit electrode type template
opens, in which a new template can be defined.
Edit the properties of the selected template. The window Edit electrode
type template, in which the template can be edited.
Delete the selected template.
Copy the selected template and save it under the name Copy of ....