8 properties - glp, Properties - glp 8 – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 1594
7.15 Avantes Spectrometer
tiamo 2.3 (for Process Analysis)
The determination ID can be copied and pasted into another field.
Integration time
Display of the integration time at recording the dark spectrum.
Averaged spectra
Number of spectra recorded and averaged.
Display of the number of neighbor pixels the light intensity of each pixel
has been determined with.
Display of the reference spectrum. The graph can be zoomed with the
mouse. By double-clicking the whole spectrum is displayed again.
x axis
Display of the wavelength in nm.
y axis
Display of the intensity in Counts.
Properties - GLP
Tab: Configuration
▶ Devices ▶ [Edit] ▶ Properties... ▶ Properties - 'Device type' -
'Device name'
GLP test date
Date of the last GLP test. This date can be selected by clicking on
the dialog window Select date (see Chapter 2.5.1, page 89).
Comment on GLP test
Comment on GLP test.
1000 characters
Monitoring of GLP validity
Monitoring of GLP validity
on | off (Default value: off)
If this option is enabled then the time interval for the GLP test will be
Monitoring can only be switched on when a date has been entered in
the field GLP test date.