1 properties digital output – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 1625
7 Instruments
tiamo 2.3 (for Process Analysis)
Import of a text file (TXT, CSV) containing the port description. Each line is inter-
preted as port description, spaces will be ignored.
Export a text file containing the port descriptions of all digital inputs.
Properties Digital output
Dialogfenster Configuration
▶ Devices ▶ [Edit] ▶ Properties... ▶ Properties - 'De-
vice type' - 'Device name'
▶ Digital Outputs ▶ [Edit] ▶ Properties digital output
In the dialog window Properties Digital output the properties of the
individual digital outputs are set.
Display of the internal designation for a digital output port of the type
DigOut_x_y_z, where x stands for the controller; y for the digital output
terminal and z for the output on this terminal.
Port description
Freely selectable designation for a digital output port. This designation is
used in the program to actuate the port.
50 characters
Default value
The following characters must not be part of the
port description: \ , ', ., {, }, [, ].
Port specification
Shows the specifications of the port.
Selection of the port type.
Depending on the type the function and the graphical representation of
the port varies.
not defined | Pump | Stirrer | valve | Gen. out-
put | Alarm signal
Default value
not defined
Additionally a stepping motor can have a port of the Type = Brake.
The port information for this port type is automatically read out of the
stepping motor controller.