Page 444

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For initialization of the synchronous mode, following settings have to be done:

Baud rate generator registers (BGR0/BGR1):

Set the desired reload value for the dedicated baud rate reload counter.

Serial mode register (SMR):

MD1, MD0: "10


" (Mode 2)

SCKE: "1" for the dedicated baud rate reload counter

"0" for external clock input

SOE: "1" for transmission and reception

"0" for reception only

Serial control register (SCR):

RXE, TXE: set one or both of these bits to "1"

AD: no address/data selection - don’t care

CL: automatically fixed to 8-bit data - don’t care

CRE: "1" to clear receive error flags. Suspend transmission and reception.

-- when SSM=0:

PEN, P, SBL: don’t care

-- when SSM=1:

PEN: "1" if parity bit is added/detected, "0" if not

P: "0" for even parity, "1" odd parity

SBL: "1" for 2 stop bits, "0" for 1 stop bit.

Serial status register (SSR):

BDS: "0" for LSB first, "1" for MSB first

RIE: "1" if reception interrupts are used; "0" reception interrupts are disabled.

TIE: "1" if transmission interrupts are used; "0" transmission interrupts are disabled.

Extended communication control register (ECCR):

SSM: "0" if no start/stop bits are desired (normal); "1" for adding start/stop bits (exteneded function)

MS: "0" for master mode (LIN-UART generates the serial clock); "1" for slave mode (LIN-UART

receives serial clock from the master device)


To start the communication, write data to TDR register. When receiving the data, disable the serial

output (SMR: SOE = "0") and write the dummy data to TDR. By enabling the continuous clock and

start/stop bits, in the bi-directional communication the same as the asynchronous mode is allowed.