Section 39.3.39, Section 39.3.40 – Westermo RedFox Series User Manual
Page 927

Westermo OS Management Guide
Version 4.17.0-0
Usage Configure the Error message, verbose mode text and numeric code. Omit-
ting the code will use the default value. If verbose (above) is disabled the
numeric code is displayed.
Default values Text: ERROR, Code: 4
Error messages None defined yet.
Syntax [no] connect-message text ]
Context atcmd context
Usage Configure the Connect message, verbose mode text and numeric code.
Omitting the code will use the default value. If verbose (above) is disabled
the numeric code is displayed.
Default values Text: CONNECT, Code: 1
Error messages None defined yet.
Syntax [no] disconnect-message text ]
Context atcmd context
Usage Configure the Disconnect message, verbose mode text and numeric code.
Omitting the code will use the default value. If verbose (above) is disabled
the numeric code is displayed.
Default values Text: NO CARRIER, Code: 3
Error messages None defined yet.
Syntax [no] map number
Context atcmd context
Usage Map PSTN number to a remote server IP address.
➞ 2015 Westermo Teleindustri AB