2 statistics via the web interface, Sections 9.2 – Westermo RedFox Series User Manual
Page 197

Westermo OS Management Guide
Version 4.17.0-0
Statistics via the web interface
Statistics shown in the web administration tool has two views. An overview with
a selection of statistics for all ports, including some status information (e.g. if
port is blocking or forwarding), and a detailed page with a larger set of statistics.
Note that collection of statistics is started by the first access to the statistics
page, and will be halted after a short period of time (to save resources) if no one
requests the statistic data. This has the effect that you may need to enter the
page once again, by e.g. clicking the menu item, to ensure you are presented to
updated statistics data.
Statistics Overview
Menu path: Status⇒Port
On the port statistics overview page you will be presented to a selection of static
data for each port. Additional statistic numbers are presented on the detailed
view page.
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