Section 16.3.3, Section 16.3.4 – Westermo RedFox Series User Manual
Page 358

Westermo OS Management Guide
Version 4.17.0-0
Usage Set bridge priority, where a low value means high priority, which increase
the probability of being elected as root bridge. Values can be entered in
two ways, either in range 0-15, which corresponds to the 4-bit priority field
specified in IEEE std 802.1D-2004, or in range 16-65535 which corresponds
to the traditional 2 byte priority field defined in IEEE 802.1D-1998. In the
latter case, the value is divided by 4096, and stored as a value 0-15. See
for more information.
”no priority” resets the bridge priority to the default setting.
Use ”show priority” to view the current bridge priority setting.
Default values 8 (32768)
Max Age Setting
Syntax max-age-time <6-40>
Usage Set spanning-tree max age timeout. Since bridges use the max age con-
figured at the root bridge, this parameter setting only matters if this bridge
becomes the root bridge.
”no max-age-time” resets the max age timeout to the default setting.
Use ”show max-age-timeout” to view the current max age timeout setting.
Default values 20
Error messages An error message is given if the ”max-age-time” is not given
a valid value with respect to ”hello-time” or ”forward-delay”, see
Hello Interval
Syntax hello-time <1-10>
Usage Set spanning-tree hello time interval. Since bridges use the hello time
configured at the root bridge, this parameter setting only matters if this
bridge becomes the root bridge.
➞ 2015 Westermo Teleindustri AB