Sec. 6.1.4, Section 6.1.4 – Westermo RedFox Series User Manual
Page 67

Westermo OS Management Guide
Version 4.17.0-0
Secure management using SNMPv3
To manage a unit securely via SNMP, SNMPv3 should be used. SNMPv3 provides
privacy and integrity (per packet authentication) to the SNMP messages.
SNMPv3 introduces the notion of a SNMPv3 user, as opposed to the community
concept used in SNMPv1/v2c. The following parameters can be configured for an
SNMPv3 user.
❼ Read-Only or Read-Write access: Defines whether the user should have read
access to the SNMP variables, or be able to read and modify them.
❼ Security Mode: Three security modes are available:
– noAuthnoPriv: No security (i.e., neither authentication, nor encryption)
– authNoPriv: Authentication, but no privacy.
– authPriv: Authentication and Encryption
As of WeOS v4.17.0, the WeOS SNMP agent accepts SNMP requests of
security level authNoPriv also for SNMPv3 users created at level auth-
Priv. This feature is likely to be removed in future WeOS releases.
❼ Encryption protocol: WeOS offers SNMPv3 data encryption using DES and
❼ Authentication protocol: WeOS offers SNMPv3 data integrity using using
MD5 and SHA1.
❼ Scope: A user can be restrained to only access a part of the MIB tree sup-
ported by the unit.
The encryption and authentication passwords are strings of 8-16 characters.
ASCII characters 33-126 except ’#’ (ASCII 35) are allowed.
A maximum of 8 SNMPv3 users can be defined, each with their own parameter
SNMPv3 example
This example illustrates the configuration of an SNMPv3 user on the a WeOS
switch. The user alice is grated read-only access to the full MIB tree. Security
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