Section 6.3.6 – Westermo RedFox Series User Manual
Page 76
Westermo OS Management Guide
Version 4.17.0-0
Usage Configure a SNMP Trap Host. Up to three trap hosts can be configured (is-
sue the ”trap-host” command multiple times with different IP addresses).
Use ”no host
remove all trap hosts.
Without any defined trap host, SNMP traps will not be sent.
Use ”show host” to show the configured SNMP Trap Hosts.
Default values Disabled.
Manage SNMPv3 Read-Only User
Syntax [no] rouser
Usage Configure a SNMP read-only user.
❼ USERNAME: A text string defining the user. Max 32 characters. Valid
characters are ASCII 33-126 except ’#’ (ASCII 35).
❼ Authentication: Achieve message integrity protection by specifying MD5
or SHA1 message authentication. The authentication password is a string
of 8-16 characters. ASCII characters 33-126 except ’#’ (ASCII 35) are
❼ Encryption: Achieve message privacy by specifying DES or AES128
message encryption. The encryption password is a string of 8-16 char-
acters. ASCII characters 33-126 except ’#’ (ASCII 35) are allowed.
❼ OIDTREE: Limit access to a certain branch of the supported MIB. De-
faults to the whole tree (’1.’)
Use ”no rouser
rouser” to remove all read-only users.
Use ”show rouser” show settings for configured SNMPv3 read-only users.
Default values Disabled.
➞ 2015 Westermo Teleindustri AB