2 modifying the ip setting, Table 2.1 – Westermo RedFox Series User Manual
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Westermo OS Management Guide
Version 4.17.0-0
❼ Single VLAN: By default all ports on the switch will belong to the same VLAN.
Thus, devices connected to different ports of the switch should be able to
communicate with each other right away. For more advanced setups, the
ports of the switch can be grouped into different VLANs. In the factory de-
fault setting all ports belong to VLAN 1.
The default IP setting for the switch is as shown in
Primary IP address
Dynamic (DHCP)
Secondary IP address
Table 2.1: Factory Default IP settings.
Thus, when you power up your WeOS unit with the factory configuration, you can
connect to it via two addresses:
❼ The static IP address This address is simplest to use if you
are setting up a single unit.
❼ A dynamic address assigned by a DHCP server
(if present): This address
may be simplest to use if you want to connect and configure multiple new
WeOS units simultaneously.
Before you put your switch into your production network you should change
its IP setting according to your network topology. How you change your IP
setting is described in the next section.
Modifying the IP Setting
The switch can be configured with a static IP setting, or it can get its IP address
dynamically via DHCP. The latter case is useful if you are running a DHCP server
on the same LAN as the switch will be located.
WeOS provides several management tools, which will be presented further in
later chapters of this guide. In this chapter we limit the scope to describe how
these tools can be used to update the IP settings of the switch.
In addition, the unit will autoconfigure itself with a link-local address in the 169.254.x.x range,
where ’x’ is in interval 0-255. See
for more information.
➞ 2015 Westermo Teleindustri AB