Section 7.1.6, Tion 7.1.6 – Westermo RedFox Series User Manual
Page 104

Westermo OS Management Guide
Version 4.17.0-0
Automatic Backup and Restore to/from USB
On WeOS units equipped with a USB port, a USB memory stick can be used for
automatic backup and restore. The intended application for the auto-backup
function is to simplify unit replacement in case of unit failure.
Once activated, it works seamlessly. If a stick is already prepared nothing else
is needed. If a unit fails you simply replace it, moving the USB stick to the re-
placement unit. Which must be of same mark and model. At first boot, the
replacement unit automatically restores all necessary files from the faulty unit.
The auto-backup and restore function only handles configuration. It does
not handle backup/restore of WeOS firmware images. You must not only
ensure that your replacement unit is of the same model as the original unit.
It should also have same WeOS firmware version loaded as the original unit.
Details of how to activate auto-backup, and how to perform restore are provided
contains information on USB directo-
ries for auto-backup and restore.
Procedure for activating auto-backup
❼ Basic preparations the USB stick: See
for formatting and
partitioning requirement for USB memory sticks used with WeOS units.
❼ Insert USB stick: Insert the USB stick into WeOS unit and power it up.
❼ Log in to CLI: Log into the unit (CLI), either via console port or remotely via
SSH (see
❼ Activate auto-backup: Run the CLI ”backup” command.
➞ 2015 Westermo Teleindustri AB