Deleting an msti, Modifying an msti, Deleting an msti modifying an msti – Allied Telesis AT-S62 User Manual
Page 530
Chapter 23: Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
Section IV: Spanning Tree Protocols
Deleting an MSTI
To delete an MSTI, do the following:
1. From the MSTI Menu, type 2 to select Delete MSTI.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter the MSTI ID to be deleted: [1 to 15] ->
2. Enter the ID number of the MSTI you want to delete. The range is 1 to
15. (You cannot delete CIST, which has a value of 0.) You can delete
only one MSTI at a time.
The selected MSTI is deleted from the switch. All associated VLANs
are returned to CIST.
3. After making changes, type R until you return to the Main Menu. Then
type S to select Save Configuration Changes.
Modifying an
To change the priority value of an MSTI or the associated VLANs, do the
1. From the MSTI Menu, type 3 to select MSTI Configuration Menu.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter the MSTI ID to be modified: [1 to 15] ->
2. Enter the ID number of the MSTI you want to modify. The range is 1 to
15. You can modify only one MSTI at a time.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter new priority [the value will be multiplied by 4096]
[0 to 15] -> 8
3. Enter a new MSTI priority number. This parameter is used in selecting
a regional root. The range is 0 (zero) to 61,440 in increments of 4,096,
with 0 being the highest priority. The default is increment 8 for a value
of 32768. For a list of the increments, refer to Table 11, “Bridge Priority
Value Increments” on page 485.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter the list of VLANs to associate with this MSTI:
4. Enter the VIDs of the VLANs you want to associate with this MSTI.
You can specify more than one VLAN at a time (for example, 4,6,11).
The new VLAN associates overwrite the current VLAN associations.
To add new VLANs while retaining the existing VLAN associations,
you must enter the VIDs of the new and existing VLANs. To remove
VLAN associations, reenter the VLAN ID list, omitting the VIDs of