Allied Telesis AT-S62 User Manual
Page 389

AT-S62 Management Software Menus Interface User’s Guide
Section III: SNMPv3
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Privacy Protocol [D-DES, N-None]:
If you have the non encrypted version of the AT-S62 software, then
the Privacy Protocol field is read-only.
You can only configure the Privacy Protocol if you have configured
the Authentication Protocol with the MD5 or SHA values.
9. Select one of the following options:
Select this value to make the DES privacy (or encryption) protocol the
privacy protocol for this User Table entry. With this selection,
messages transmitted between the host and the switch are encrypted
with the DES protocol.
N -None
Select this value if you do not want a privacy protocol for this User
Table entry. With this selection, messages transmitted between the
host and the switch are not encrypted.
If you select NONE, you are prompted for the Storage Type. Go to Step
If you select DES, the following prompt is displayed:
Enter Privacy Password:
10. Enter a privacy password of up to 32-alphanumeric characters.
You are prompted to re-enter the password.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Storage Type [V-Volatile, N-NonVolatile]:
11. Select one of the following storage types for this table entry:
V - Volatile
Select this storage type if you do not want the ability to save an entry in
the SNMPv3 User Table to nonvolatile memory. After making changes
to an SNMPv3 User Table entry with a Volatile storage type, the S -
Save Configuration Changes option does not appear on the Main
Select this storage type if you want the ability to save an entry in the
SNMPv3 User Table to nonvolatile memory. After making changes to