Snmpv3 mib views, Figure 130: mib tree – Allied Telesis AT-S62 User Manual

Page 378

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Chapter 21: SNMPv3


Section III: SNMPv3

If you assign a DES privacy protocol to a user, then you are also required
to assign a privacy password. If you choose to not assign the privacy to
DES, then SNMPv3 messages are sent in plain text format.


You are able to configure the Privacy Protocol only if you are using
the encrypted version of the AT-S62 software.



The SNMPv3 protocol allows you to configure MIB views for users and
groups. The MIB tree is defined by RFC 1155 (Structure of Management
Information). See Figure 130.

Figure 130. MIB Tree

The AT-S62 software supports the MIB tree, starting with the Internet
MIBs, as defined by There are two ways to specify a MIB view.
You can enter the OID number of the MIB view or its equivalent text name.
For example, to specify MIBs in the Internet view, you can enter the OID
format “” or the text name “internet.”


ccitt (0)

joint-iso-ccitt (2)

standard (0)

registration-authority (1)

member-body (2)

identified-organization (3)

dod (6)

iso (1)

internet (1)

directory (1)

mgmt (2)

experimental (3)

private (4)

mib-2 (1)

system (1)

at (3)

icmp (5)

udp (7)

cmot (9)

snmp (11)

host (25)

interfaces (2)

ip (4)

tcp (6)

egp (8)

transmission (10)

dot1 dBridge (117)