A.1 system error messages – Yaskawa MP900 Series Machine Controller for Standard Operation User Manual
Page 478

Error Messages
A.1 System Error Messages
A.1 System Error Messages
The following tables show the messages with error codes of the form CPDH_xxx_nnn.
Table A.1 CPDH_CT_nnn
Table A.2 CPDH_CMP_nnn
Error number
Classification code
CT: Thread or other internal error
CMP: Compiling error, e.g., for DWG
CPU: Errors from PLC
DRV: Device driver-level errors
COM: Communications-related errors
Error Message
Probable Cause
Possible Correction
Reception buffer release error
An error has occurred in the Win-
dows 95 memory area.
Shutdown and restart Windows 95. Contact
your Yaskawa representative if the error per-
Queuing failure
An error has occurred in shared
Windows 95 resources.
Shutdown and restart Windows 95. Contact
your Yaskawa representative if the error per-
Source file write error
An error has occurred in shared
Windows 95 resources.
Shutdown and restart Windows 95. Contact
your Yaskawa representative if the error per-
Reception buffer allocation error
An error has occurred in the Win-
dows 95 memory area.
Shutdown and restart Windows 95. Contact
your Yaskawa representative if the error per-
Required port not initialized
Inconsistency between system and
215IF I/F card definitions.
Make 215IF I/F card and System Configura-
tion Window data consistent.
Designated port error
The selected port cannot be used.
Change the 215IF settings in the System Con-
figuration Window.
Error Message
Probable Cause
Possible Correction
Undefined instruction code detected
An undefined instruction code has
been detected.
Execute the instruction again. Contact your
Yaskawa representative if the error persists.
IF instruction structure incorrect
The IF instruction structure is
Match the number of IF and IEND instruc-
Reduce the number of nesting levels.
WHILE instruction structure incorrect
The WHILE instruction structure
is incorrect.
Match the number of WHILE and WEND
Reduce the number of nesting levels.
FOR instruction structure incorrect
The FOR instruction structure is
Match the number of FOR and FEND instruc-
Reduce the number of nesting levels.
No END instruction
There is no END instruction.
Add an END instruction.
Too many registered drawings
The maximum number of regis-
tered drawings has been exceeded.
Reduce the number of drawings.