5 saving group definitions – Yaskawa MP900 Series Machine Controller for Standard Operation User Manual

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5.2 Group Definitions



The same alarm output registers are used for all tasks. To manage alarms separately for each task when
two or more tasks are set, save the contents of the alarm output registers to other registers immediately
following the MSEE instruction in the ladder logic program.

5.2.5 Saving Group Definitions

The procedure to save the group definitions is given below.

1. Select File (F) and then Save (S) from the Group Definition Menu.

2. Click the Yes Button in the Group Definition Message Box.

3. The Auto Edit Window will be displayed. Specify the motion program call method, and

click the OK Button.

4. Click the OK Button in the message box.

1 The Auto Edit Dialog Box is displayed only when the group is defined with PGM Automatic Genera-

tion enabled when Create Ladder Dwgs. is set to ON in the Group Definition Window.

2 Group definition data can be saved only in offline mode. This data is thus not written to the Machine

Controller when it is saved. It is necessary to connect online to the Machine Controller and then trans-

Display/Setting Item


Pos Output (Position
Output Register)

Define the leading register number for outputting the current posi-
tion. M, I, or O double-length integer registers can be specified. The
number of continuous current position output register will be used
for the number of control axes. For example, if ML00020 is defined
as the leading current position register and there are three control
axes, then three double-length words (from ML00020 to ML00024)
will be used in order from axis 01.


Sets whether or not to restart from the ABORT status. Consult with
your Yaskawa representative before using this feature, for which
restrictions exist.




Axis 1 current position

Axis 2 current position

Axis 3 current position