Debug operation window configuration, Debug menu – Yaskawa MP900 Series Machine Controller for Standard Operation User Manual
Page 327

Motion Programming
5.5.2 Opening the Debug Window
Debug Operation Window Configuration
Debug Menu
The debug commands that are available on the menu bar can be selected from a pull-down
Debug Menu
The commands used in debug operations are displayed under this
Debug Tool Icons
Icons have been created for frequently used debug commands.
Status Bar
Displays information on debug operations.
Debug Function Keys
Function Keys have been allocated for debug commands.
Menu Command
File (F)
Refer to 5.3 Creating Motion Programs.
Edit (E)
View (V)
Font (F)
Refer to 5.3 Creating Motion Programs.
Tool Bar (T)
Status Bar (S)
Error List (L)
Monitor Parallel No.
Refer to 6.3 Motion Program Monitoring for
Monitor Regeneration
Debug (T)
Debug ON (D)
Enables the debug operations.
Hold (H)
Holds the motion command that is currently
being executed.
Abort (C)
Aborts the debug operations.
Multi Step Run (G)
Executes lines 1 to n.
Start Point (P)
Specifies the first row for debugging.
Break Point (B)
Specifies the last row for debugging.
Step Run (S)
Executes debugging one step at a time.
Step In (I)
Hands control to a subroutine.
Code Generator (L)
Compiles and updates the object.
Current Value Update
Updates current coordinates.
Debug OFF (X)
Disables debug operations.
Window (W)
Refer to other portions of this chapter.
Help (H)