2 setting the number of global registers, Opening the register write enable setting window – Yaskawa MP900 Series Machine Controller for Standard Operation User Manual

Page 307

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Motion Programming

5.3.2 Setting the Number of Global Registers



5.3.2 Setting the Number of Global Registers

Defining global registers can reduce the need for communications, but it requires managing
the global registered used in ladder logic programs and motion programs.

There are limits on the global registers (M and O registers) that can be used in motion pro-
grams. Motion programs that use registers that are out of the specified ranges will cause
compiler errors to prevent mistakes in programming.

An example of an M register map is shown below. O registers depending on the I/O registers
allocated in the Module Configuration Definitions Window.

Fig 5.2 M Register Map


Opening the Register Write Enable Setting Window

Use the following procedure to open the Resister Writing Permission Window.

1. Double-click the Motion Folder under the Program Folder in the File Manager Window.





Reserved by the system

Interpolation overrides

Motion control work registers

Alarm output registers

Current position output


Not used

Allocated in the Group Definition.

O and I registers can also be allo-

cated instead of M registers.

The range of registers that

can be used is defined.

Program Folder


