6 closing task monitoring – Yaskawa MP900 Series Machine Controller for Standard Operation User Manual
Page 361

6.5 Task Monitor
following table.
6.5.6 Closing Task Monitoring
Close this program by closing the Task Monitor Window.
To close the Task Monitor Window, select File (F) and then Close (C) in the Task Monitor
Display Item
Group Name
Displays the group name set in the group definitions.
Group Mode
Displays the group execution status. Refer to the Group Mode Mes-
sages, below.
Task n Main Program
Displays the number of the motion program running for Task n.
In detailed mode, the process number is displayed below the motion
program number.
Task n Program Status
Displays the execution status of the motion program running for
Task n.Refer to the Program Status Messages and Process Status
Message, below.
In detailed mode, the process status for each process executed in par-
allel for PFORK is displayed.
Step #
Displays the step number being executed in the program (detailed
mode only).
Group Mode Messages
Group running
Group paused
Group stopped for debugging
Group alarm
Auto mode
Manual mode
Program Status Messages
Process Status Messages
Program running
Motion function running
Program paused
Program aborted
Program stopped for debugging
Stopped for debugging
Program alarm
Program break
Program debug mode
Main program duplication
Debug mode
Main program number overflow
Skip signal latch