Yaskawa MP900 Series Machine Controller for Standard Operation User Manual
Page 131

Module Configuration Definitions
3.5.6 General-purpose Serial Communications Definitions
Setting Slave Interface Registers (Automatic Response)
Specify the ranges of relays, registers, and coils to check when automatically sending a
response message to a query from the master. These settings are valid for slave stations only.
There is no need to set the ranges when message communications will not be performed
between the master and slaves. Also, if the ladder program is being used to return a response
message with the MSG-RCV function, disable the MSG-RCV so that redundant processing
is not performed.
With the system default settings, response messages will be sent using the ranges set with
the following parameters.
Transmission Mode
Select the transmission mode.
• RTU:
Specifies RTU mode when the Transmission Protocol is
set to MEMOBUS.
• ASCII: Specifies ASCII mode when the Transmission Protocol is
set to MEMOBUS.
• None:
Use for MELSEC, OMRON, and no-protocol transmis-
Data Length
Select the number of bits in one character.
• 8Bit: 8 bits
• 7Bit: 7 bits
Parity Bit
Specify whether or not the parity bit will be used.
• Even: Even parity
• Odd: Odd parity
• None: No parity check
Stop Bit
Select whether there will be one or two stop bits at the end of the
sending character.
• 1stop: 1 stop bit
• 2stop: 2 stop bits
Baud Rate
Select the transmission speed (bps).
(Send Delay Setting)
When Enable is selected, a delay until the beginning of transmis-
sions (1 to 100 ms) can be set.
• Master Station:
The delay will be included between execution of the MSG-SND
function and the transmission of the command.
• Slave Station:
The delay will be included between reception of a command by
the MSG-RCV function and the transmission of the response.
Setting Item
Readout of Input Relay With general-purpose serial communications, set the range and start
address of input relays that can be read using serial communications.
Refer to the table below for setting details.
Readout of Input
With general-purpose serial communications, set the range and start
address of input registers that can be read using serial communica-
tions. Refer to the table below for setting details.
Readout/Write-in Coil
With general-purpose serial communications, set the range and start
address of coils that can be read or written to using serial communi-
cations. Refer to the table below for setting details.
Setting Items