Apple Mac OS X Server (version 10.2.3 or later) User Manual
Page 686

undeliverable mail
Universal Serial Bus (USB)
BSD configuration files 50, 110
commands, understanding 591
compared to Open Directory 43–45
finding help 591
information storage 44–45
unknown (predefined group
Unknown User predefined account
unlocking disk images
Unprivileged User predefined
unsolicited mail
uploads folder in FTP
USB (Universal Serial Bus)
user accounts
access privileges 121
authentication 118
changing 135
comments 144
connecting without logging in 119
creating in Mac OS X Server directory
creating read-write LDAPv3 user accounts 135
defined 117
deleted, removing mail of 418
deleting 151
in directory domains 43, 70
disabling 152
disabling mail 147
disk quotas 166
enabling mail options 147
finding 176
forwarding mail 148
group settings 145
home directories 122
how they’re used 118
importing into Macintosh Manager 450
kinds of 124
locations of 134
login settings 143
Mac OS 9 and 8 444
mail addresses 430
mail quotas 122
mail settings 122, 147, 395, 401, 429
managed users 124
managing preferences 283
naming guidelines 138
not using a home directory 155
password validation 193
postmaster 401
predefined, list of 126
presets 179
print settings 149
read-only 136
storing preferences 123
user and group accounts
planning 132
role in network 117
setup overview 128
user environment in FTP
user environments in FTP
user experience
user ID (UID)
guidelines 141
network role of 120
role in access privileges 120
user names
long names 136
as mail addresses 430
short names 137
user preferences
user records
attributes 623–628
how used by server 622
LL0395.Book Page 686 Wednesday, November 20, 2002 11:44 AM