Apple Mac OS X Server (version 10.2.3 or later) User Manual

Page 164

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Chapter 3

Use the pop-up menus next to the fields to specify privileges. For the owner, select Read &
Write. For Group and Everyone, select Read Only.

Click Save.


Set up access to the share point.

Click the Protocols tab. Leave the default Apple File Settings selected; it facilitates automatic
home directory creation. Select “NFS Export Settings” from the pop-up list.

Check the “Export this item and its contents to” box, and make sure that Client is selected
from the pop-up menu below it.

Click Add to specify clients you want to be able to access the share point. In the text box that
appears, type the IP address or host name to add the client to the Computer list on the
Protocols tab.

Set up share point privileges. Put a check in the “Map Root user to nobody” box, and remove
any checks in the remaining boxes.

Click Save.


Define the share point’s automounting settings.

Click the Automount tab.

On the pop-up menu, select the shared domain in which the user’s record resides, then click
the lock to log in as domain administrator.

Select “Automount this item to clients in domain.”

Select “Mount dynamically in /Network/Servers/ ” and “Use NFS Protocol.” Click Save.


Click Accounts, then select the user in the user list.


Click the Home tab, then select Advanced.


Leave the URL and the Path field blank.


In the Home field, enter the full path to the home directory, concluding with the home
directory itself. Use an initial slash (/), but no terminating slash.

For example, enter “/Network/Servers/myServer/Homes/Teachers/SecondGrade/Smith”.

The name you type following “/Network/Servers/ ” must be the host name entered when the
server was initially set up. If you do not know the host name, open the Terminal application
and type “hostname” to display it.


Click Save.


Make sure that the user restarts his or her client computer so that the share point is visible
on it.

The home directory is created when you run the createhomedir command-line tool. See
“Using createhomedir to Create Home Directories” on page 165 for details.

LL0395.Book Page 164 Wednesday, November 20, 2002 11:44 AM