Apple Mac OS X Server (version 10.2.3 or later) User Manual

Page 675

background image



image folder 516–517
image size 516
installing Classic in image 526
key features 511
load balancing 537–538
monitoring Mac OS 9 clients 536
monitoring Mac OS X clients 535
property lists 517
security 521
server requirements 512
setting up client computers 524
setting up Mac OS 9 disk image 529, 530
setting up on Mac OS X Server 525
setup overview 522–524
shadow images 520
solving problems 541
supported clients 513
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) 519
updating Mac OS X images 527
updating Startup Disk control panel 538
viewing client lists 509

NetBoot Desktop Admin



See also directory domains
access through firewall 574
automatic search policy and 60
binding 106, 508
child 105
client access 508
configuring 105–109
data, changing 109
data, viewing 109
directory service protocol 50
enabling and disabling 86
information storage 109
machine record 107
parent 105
port configuration 108
shared domain 59, 105
UNIX tools for 109

NetInfo Manager application

data, viewing 109
machine records, adding 108
ports, configuring 108


adding fonts to client systems 218

network (predefined group



network authentication methods


Network File System (NFS) service

about 24
security limitations 24

Network Globe

contents 217–218
folders in 218
share points 218

Network Image Utility


creating disk image 545
creating Mac OS X disk image 525
where to find 545

Network Install

about 27
about packages 547
automating installation 550
client computers 552
creating an image 545
creating custom packages 547
enabling images 546
features 543
image size 516, 544
tools for setting up 543

Network Install application


network library folder

system resources 218

Network Neighborhood


connecting to server without 275
connecting to service with 275


management resources 39
private 561–562
scopes 584–585
sharing printer queues over 337
TCP/IP networks 561–562

Network Service Locator (NSL)

registering Apple file servers 244

LL0395.Book Page 675 Wednesday, November 20, 2002 11:44 AM