P. 2-9 – Toa N-8000 Series User Manual

Page 120

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Chapter 2



2.1.3. Recall

The last conversation partner can be recalled by pressing the [

] key regardless of whether the call was made

or received. Only the N-8000MS Multifunctional Master Station and the N-8500MS/8600MS IP Multifunctional

Master Station permit selection from the most recent 10 numbers.

When using the N-8010MS/8011MS/8020MS/8031MS/8033MS/8410MS/8510MS:
Press the [

] key to recall the last conversation partner

regardless of whether the call was made or received.

When using the N-8000MS/8500MS/8600MS:
Step 1.
Press the [

] key to display the recent dial data of

the conversation partners regardless of whether the

call was made or received on the display.

Step 2. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to display the desired

dial number. Pressing the Down arrow key displays

the last ten numbers dialed in reverse chronological

order. They are numbered 0 − 9 from top to bottom.

Step 3. Press either the Select or [

] key to perform the

dial operation indicated on the display.

2.1.4. Calling by voice (Only when the system is set to "Sequential Response" mode)

Calling by voice can be made to the partner during call

by means of a continuous call tone and to the RS-140

placed in privacy mode.

• Voice a call to a called party by pressing the Push-to-

talk key as the continuous call tone sounds.

The call tone stops as long as the Push-to-talk key is

pressed, enabling the called party to hear your voice.

• The original continuous call tone resumes as soon as

the Push-to-talk key is released.

• For the RS-140 placed in privacy mode, the privacy

tone resumes when the PTT key is released.


Calling by voice cannot be made to the station which has been set as a member of group call.


(The last conversation partner)



Hello, Mr. TOA.

Hello, Mr

. TOA.

Continuous call tone

Continuous call tone


R e c a l l

0 : 1 0 0 8

R e c a l l

8 : 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 M a i n e n t r a n

C a l l i n g
