Interrupting the boot process, The bootrom state, Updating the bootrom – Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual
Page 517

Appendix B
– Using the SmartServer Console Application
trace level [stamp]
Sets the tracing level: 0 = None; 1 = Urgent tracing only (default); 2 =
Verbose tracing (for debugging only, not recommended). Set the
optional stamp parameter to True to enable time stamping.
type file
Types the contents of file.
unconfigapp index/name
Unconfigures the specified application (removes the LonTalk
update bootrom [file]
Updates the bootrom of the SmartServer. By default, this command
will look for the bootrom.upd file in the /root directory of the
SmartServer. Run this command from the SmartServer bootrom
console. See the following section, Interrupting the Boot Process,
for more information.
web port
Sets the port the used by the SmartServer for HTTP communication.
The default port is 80.
Interrupting the Boot Process
The SmartServer undergoes an extensive boot process upon power-up, and when reset by the reset
button on the SmartServer hardware or a reboot command issued in the console application. During
the boot process, the SmartServer’s disk structure is automatically checked to ensure that any structural
errors on the disk are repaired, and a message is displayed on the screen if any corrections are made to
the disk. Additional information about the corrections is written to the event log file. The boot process
then loads the SmartServer’s system image. Successful completion is indicated when the SmartServer
displays its normal command-line prompt.
If the SmartServer repeatedly fails to boot up, you are unable to FTP files to it, or you suspect the
image is corrupted, you may interrupt the boot process and troubleshoot the SmartServer. To interrupt
and bypass the boot process, press the exclamation point (!) key after the “Press the ‘!’ key
to stop auto-boot…
” message appears on the console, but before the SmartServer begins
loading files. If the auto-boot is interrupted, the boot image is then loaded from ROM, and the
SmartServer enters the bootrom state.
The Bootrom State
When the boot process is interrupted or fails (for example if the iLonSystem image is corrupt or not
available, perhaps due to a power cycle during image download), the SmartServer loads its system
image from ROM and starts a console application similar to that run by the normal iLonSystem image.
This state, called the bootrom state, is indicated by a command-line prompt prefixed with
[Bootrom]. If caused by a boot failure, you may need to reload or upgrade the SmartServer
software to restore proper operation.
While in the bootrom state, only a subset of the normal console commands are available. The
SmartServer provides the minimal functionality required to troubleshoot and recover its system image.
The FTP server runs, and the console application provides commands needed to recover the image.
However, application commands such as listapp and createapp are not available and certain
attributes are not displayed.
Updating the Bootrom
Echelon may provide updates to the SmartServer bootrom. You can update the bootrom with the
console application. The bootrom file that ships with the SmartServer (bootrom.upd) is installed in
the LonWorks\iLon100\images\iLon100 4.00 folder on your computer when you install the
SmartServer software. Bootrom updates are installed in the LonWorks\iLon100\images\BootROM
4.xx folder on your computer, where xx represents the sub-version number.