Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual

Page 469

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Using Type Translators

3. Enter a descriptive name for the new Type Translator rule, or accept the default rule name, which

is <functional block name> - Rule, and then click OK.

4. The Type Translator: Rule Web page opens

5. Optionally, enter a description of the type translation.

6. By default, Show Data Point Names is selected, which means that the names of the selected data

points are displayed by location in the following format: network/channel/device/functional
/data point. Click Show Nicknames to display the programmatic names of the selected data
points, which are much shorter. For example, selecting Show Nicknames abbreviates a data point
with the name Net/LON/Lamp 1/Digitial Ouput/DO_Digital_1 to just DO_Digital_1. The
graphics in this section use the Show Nicknames option.

7. Click anywhere in the COPY rule to scale the input point and/or add an offset.

a. If you added more than one input point, you can change the default input point by clicking it

and then selecting an input point from the list.

b. If the input point is a structured data point, a list box is added to the right of the input data

point. Select whether to evaluate a field within the structure or the entire structure. By