Duplicating functional blocks and data points, Creating a duplicate functional block, Duplicate functional blocks and data points – Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual

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2.2 User’s Guide


4. Click Delete. The .XML file documenting the selected device template is removed from the

SmartServer flash disk or EES 2.2 computer.

5. Click Close to return to the SmartServer Web interface.

6. Click Submit.

Duplicating Functional Blocks and Data Points

You can create a new L




functional block or dynamic data point by duplicating an existing

one. The new object will have the same configuration and driver properties as the source.

Duplicating is especially useful for quickly adding pre-configured applications to the SmartServer. In
this case, you can use an existing application as a template for creating a new instance of the
application. For example, you could add data points to a scheduler, create events in the daily and
exception schedules, and then duplicate the Scheduler functional block. The events in the duplicate
scheduler will occur at the same time as specified in the source and they will update the same data
points. You could then further modify the duplicate scheduler to fit the specific application in which it
is being used. This saves you the effort of adding the same data points to multiple schedulers and
creating the same events in the daily and exception schedules.

Creating functional blocks and data points from a duplicate can also help expedite the network design
and configuration process. For devices with an array of a specific functional block, you can configure
one functional block in the array, and then duplicate it to create one or more new instances that have
the same configuration as the source functional block.

The following sections describe how to create new functional blocks and dynamic data points by
duplicating existing ones.

Creating a Duplicate Functional Block

To create a new functional block by duplicating an existing one, follow these steps:

1. Right-click the source functional block from which the copy will be created and then click

Duplicate on the shortcut menu.