Installing devices – Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual

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Using the SmartServer as Network Management Tool

to be downloaded to the devices must be in the /LonWorks/import folder on the SmartServer flash
disk for the SmartServer to install the devices successfully.

You can also enable smart network management on individual device properties by selecting the check
box located to the left of the property under the Smart Network Management column and clicking
Submit. If you are installing pre-loaded devices, select the Smart Network Management check
boxes for the following properties: Commission Status, State, Template, Write Configuration
Property Defaults
, and Reset. Verify that all other check boxes are cleared. This ensures that the
SmartServer does not update the application image currently on the devices.

Once smart network management is enabled for a device property, the SmartServer attempts to
perform the corresponding network management command. The current statuses of the network
management commands appear in the Progress column.

Installing Devices

After enabling smart network management for all the applicable device properties, click Submit. The
SmartServer then does the following for each device you are installing:

1. Fetches the program ID of the device (if the Smart Network Management check box is selected

for the Program ID property).

2. Downloads the application image file to the device (if the Smart Network Management check

box is selected for the Application Image property). The SmartServer downloads the application
image file in the /LonWorks/import folder that has a program ID matching that of the device