Configuring the pulse counter application – Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual

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2.2 User’s Guide


6. A functional block representing the Pulse Counter application and all of its static data points are

added to the bottom of the i.LON App (Internal) device tree, and the Pulse Counter: Configure
Web opens in the application frame to the right. Note that construction symbol overlaid onto the
Pulse Counter application icon in the upper-left hand corner of the Web page indicates that the
application has not been configured yet.

7. Click Submit.

To open the Pulse Counter application from an existing Pulse Counter functional block, follow these

1. Click General if the SmartServer is not already operating in General mode. If the SmartServer is

in Driver mode when you click the functional block, the Setup - LON Functional Block Driver
Web page opens instead of the Pulse Counter application.

2. Click the Pulse Counter functional block representing the Pulse Counter to be opened. The Pulse

Counter: Configure Web page opens in the application frame to the right.

Configuring the Pulse Counter Application

You can configure the Pulse Counter application on the SmartServer following these steps:

1. To convert the units per pulse, enter multiplier and divisor factors in the Multiplier and Divisor

boxes. For example, if a power meter sends 1 pulse every 10 kilowatt hours (kWh), you can
convert the data to kWh and by entering 10 in the Multiplier box and 1 in the Divisor box.

For example, if a power meter sends 1 pulse every 10 kilowatt hours (kWh) and the building has a
scale factor of 0.5 kWh /pulse, you can convert the data to kWh by entering 1 in the Multiplier
box and 2 in the Divisor box.

2. To reset the sample interval used to calculate the pulse rate, click Trigger. The SmartServer

stores the accumulated pulse count and the pulse rate in the nvoPcValue and nvoPCValueDif
data points, respectively, and starts a new sample interval. This also resynchronizes the pulse

The values stored in the nvoPcValue and nvoPCValueDif data points are sent when the time
interval specified in step 3 expires or the value of the nviPcTrigger data point changes from off to