Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual

Page 483

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Using the SmartServer with OpenLNS CT

router’s Neuron IDs so you don’t have to press the SmartServer’s service pin to commission the

You can move the router and LON IP channel shapes to simplify your drawing, or you can delete
these shapes (doing so hides the corresponding objects in the SmartServer tree).

8. Commission the i.LON NI device. To do this, right-click the i.LON NI device shape, click

Commission in the shortcut menu, and then click Finish in the Commission Device Wizard. The
i.LON NI device shape represents the SmartServer’s local network interface that is used to poll
the data points of external devices, and test and wink the devices.

Note: Do not delete the i.LON NI device shape. If you delete the i.LON NI device shape, it is
deleted from the OpenLNS network database and it cannot be re-added to the OpenLNS CT

Synchronizing the SmartServer with a OpenLNS CT drawing

After synchronizing the SmartServer with an OpenLNS network database, you still periodically need
to manually synchronize the SmartServer and the OpenLNS CT drawing to the OpenLNS network
database—this is even true if you are running the SmartServer in LNS Auto mode. This ensures that
your OpenLNS CT drawing and the SmartServer tree are consistent. For more information on changes
to a OpenLNS CT drawing requiring you to manually synchronize the SmartServer to an OpenLNS
network database, see Changes Requiring Manual SmartServer Synchronization.

To manually synchronize the SmartServer and a OpenLNS CT drawing to the OpenLNS network
database, follow these steps:

1. Right-click the network icon in the target SmartServer tree, and then click Synchronize with LNS

in the shortcut menu.

Alternatively, you can click Driver, click the network icon in the SmartServer tree to open the
Setup – LON Network Driver Web page, and then click the Synchronize button in the
OpenLNS Network property.

2. The SmartServer Resync dialog opens.