Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual
Page 367

to the SmartServer tree (see Adding Data Points to SmartServer Applications in Chapter 4 for
more information).
3. View or configure the following properties of the selected data points:
Data Point
Displays the name of the data point to be updated using the following
format: <network>/<channel>/<device>/<functional block>/<data point>.
This is also the location of the data point in the SmartServer tree.
Displays the unit string describing the data point to be updated. A
SNVT_temp_f#US data point, for example, has “degrees F” describing the
data point. A SNVT_switch data point has “% of full level” and “state
code” unit strings describing its state and value fields. This field is
read-only. You can edit the unit string of a data point in the Configure -
Data Point Web page, which you can access by clicking the data point in
General mode.
Stagger Delay
Displays the period of time (in seconds) that the Event Scheduler will wait
before updating the specified data point at each schedule interval. This
enables you to ramp up or wind down a system. For example, consider a
schedule that controls the power for 100 stores in a mall, and the schedule
indicates that power should be turned on at 8:00AM. However, turning on
power for 100 stores at once could cause a power surge. To avoid this, you
could use varying Stagger Delays for the different points to bring power up
for 1 or 2 stores at a time.
You can create a default Stagger Delay and apply that value to all the
currently added data points by filling in the Default Stagger Delay box, and
then clicking Set All to Default. The delay will be cascaded for each data
point. For example, if you set the default stagger delay to 2 seconds, the
delay between the first and second updates would be two seconds (so the
delay shown for the first data point would be 0 seconds, and the delay shown
for the second data point would be 2 seconds). The delay for the third data
point to be updated would be 4 seconds, and then a 6 second delay for the
fourth data point, and so on. This way, a different data point would be
updated every two seconds.
4. Optionally, you can add new presets to the data point and delete existing presets. To do this,
follow these steps:
a. Right-click the data point and select Add/Delete Preset on the shortcut menu.
b. The Add/Delete Preset dialog opens.