Selecting and configuring data points, Select and configure the data points to be logged – Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual
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2.2 User’s Guide
CSV/text. Approximately 2 times the size of the log file.
CSV - zipped. Approximately 10–20 times the size of the log file.
Binary. Approximately 20–30 times the size of the log file.
Log files must be no larger than 1 MB.
Select Binary to save the log file as a binary data file (.bin extension). Each entry in a log
using this format consumes approximately 0.032 KB. You can only view a binary file with
the Data Logger: View Web page.
3. In the Size box, enter the maximum size of the log file. The file size determines the number of
entries the log file can store. The default maximum file size is 100 KB. When you enter a size,
the maximum number of entries that the log can store is displayed directly underneath the box.
Although the SmartServer does not limit how much data can be logged, you must maintain at least
1,024 KB of free space on the SmartServer server flash disk. To view the amount of free disk
space on the SmartServer right-click the SmartServer, point to Setup, and then click System Info
on the shortcut menu. The Setup – System Info Web page opens. In the General Statistics
section, check the Free disk space / Total disk space property.
4. In the File box, enter the full path to which the log file is stored on the SmartServer flash disk. By
default, the log file is stored in the /data/Net/LON/i.LON App folder, and it is named Data
Logger [x], where x is the index number of the data logger.
5. Click Submit.
Note: You can remove data from a log file using the Data Logger: Configure Web page. To do this,
enter a percentage of the log file to be cleared in the box directly below the data point Filter box and
then click Clear. This updates the clear data point on the data logger (nviDlClear[x], where x is the
index number of the data logger) and removes the specified percentage of data from the log file. For
example, if your data log is only 30% full, entering 60.0 will clear your entire log. If your data log is
90% full, entering 60.0 will leave the log 30% full. Entering 100.0 and then clicking Submit erases all
logged data. You cannot clear a data log while the logging is disabled.
Selecting and Configuring Data Points
You can specify the data points to be recorded by the Data Logger application. After you select the
data points, you can specify whether the data logger uses polling and/or event-driven updates to record
their values.
1. In the Data Logger: Configure Web page, click anywhere in the Log or Filter boxes.