Creating a duplicate dynamic data point – Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual
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2.2 User’s Guide
Creating a Duplicate Dynamic Data Point
To create a new dynamic data point by duplicating an existing one, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the source dynamic data point from which the copy will be created and then click
Duplicate on the shortcut menu.
2. The Duplicate Data Point dialog opens.
3. In the Copy Name property, enter a descriptive name for the dynamic data point. The default
name is Copy of <original data point name>.
4. Select the number of copies of the dynamic data point to be created. The default is 1 copy.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Submit. The selected number of dynamic data points are added to the bottom of the parent
functional block. If you created more than one dynamic data point copy, an index is appended to
the name of the dynamic data point.
Note: You cannot create duplicates of static data points. If you duplicate a static data point, an error
message appears above the tree/application frame informing you that you cannot copy static data