Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual
Page 384

2.2 User’s Guide
If you are creating an event based on a specific time of day, select the Clock icon (
), which is
selected by default. This hides the Offset box and enables you to enter a time in the Time box.
See Creating Sunrise and Sundown Events later in this chapter for creating schedules based on
sunrise and sundown times
6. Create the schedule for the exception following these steps:
a. In the Time box, enter the time the event is to occur if it is different than the default time,
which is on the hour of the selected time. For example, to create an event that occurs at 10:15
A.M. instead of the default 10:00 A.M, enter 10:15.
b. In the Value box, do one of the following:
Select the preset to be used to update the values of all the data points added to the
Scheduler that have that preset defined for them. Alternatively, you can enter a new
preset and then go back to the Scheduler: Data Points Web page and define the value (or
values) for the preset.
Enter a valid value to be written to all the data points. To enter a value, all the data points
added to the Scheduler must have the same network variable type (for example,
c. In the Priority box, enter a priority for the event between 0 to 255 (highest to lowest priority).
The default priority for an event in an exception schedule is five more than the priorities of
events in the daily schedule. For example, if you created an event with a priority of 255 in the
daily schedules, the events in the exception schedule will have a priority of 250. This priority
essentially locks out events with lower priorities so that they cannot update the data points
written to by this event. Once the Scheduler executes the event, the data points can only be
updated by an event that has an equal or higher priority.
d. To create additional events in the exception, right-click anywhere in the Time or Value
boxes, and then click Add in the shortcut menu. A new row for the event is added to the
dialog. Follow steps a–b to specify the Time and Value of the new event in the exception.
You can create up to one event per minute.