Selecting and configuring a log file, Select and configure a log file – Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual
Page 415
To open the Data Logger application from an existing Data Logger functional block, follow these
1. Click General if the SmartServer is not already operating in General mode. If the SmartServer is
in Driver mode when you click the functional block, the Setup - LON Functional Block Driver
Web page opens instead of the Data Logger application.
2. Click the Data Logger functional block representing the Data Logger to be opened. The Data
Logger: Configure Web page opens in the application frame to the right.
Selecting and Configuring a Log File
In the log file box in the Data Logger: Configure Web page, you can select the type of log file used to
record data point values; select the format of the log file; enter the maximum file size; and enter the
location to which the log files are stored on the SmartServer flash disk.
To select and configure a log file, follow these steps:
1. In the Log Type list, select whether to store data point values in a Historical or Circular log.
A Historical log stops recording data point updates when the log file is full. This is the
default log type.
A Circular log file removes the records for older updates when new updates occur and the
log file is full.
2. In the Format list, select the format of the log file.
Select CSV/ text to save the log file as an ASCII text file (.csv extension). Each entry in a
log using this format consumes approximately 0.2 KB. A CSV (comma separated value) file
is a text file that can be read by any application that can read text files. You can view a CSV
file by importing into a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel. This is the default
file format.
Select CSV - zipped to save the log file as a compressed ASCII text file (.csv.gz extension).
This format is only available for historical log files. Each entry in a log using this format
consumes approximately 0.008 KB. A compressed CSV file conserves space on the
SmartServer flash disk. You can view a compressed CSV file by extracting it from the
.csv.gz file and then importing it into a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.
Removing a data point from a compressed data log or deleting a specific interval within a
compressed data log will decompress the log file. If the SmartServer does not have enough
memory to store a decompressed log file in RAM, it will not allow the action that would
cause the log file to be decompressed, and it will report an error in the system logger. Always
ensure that there is enough free space in the SmartServer RAM to decompress the log file
when removing data points or portions of a compressed data log. The estimated required
RAM to decompress a log file is as follows: