Echelon SmartServer 2.2 User Manual

Page 387

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3. Select the check boxes for two or more of the exceptions to be added to the new Exception Group

(an exception group must contain at least two exceptions). The Exception Group and Priority
boxes become available. Each exception can only belong to one exception group. To remove an
exception from a group, clear its check box.

4. In the Exception Group box, enter a descriptive name for the exception group. The default name

is New Exception Group.

5. In the Priority box, enter the priority to be assigned to the events in the exception group’s

schedule. Enter a value between 0 to 255 (highest to lowest priority). The default priority is five
more than the priorities of the events in the exceptions being added to the group. This means that
lower priority events in the applicable daily and exception schedules are locked out and cannot
update the data points until the exception ends.