Configuring domain name server (dns) resolver – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Switching Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual

Page 768

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Multi-Service IronWare Switching Configuration Guide


Configuring IP parameters


Brocade(config)# trunk e 3/1 to 3/4

trunk transaction done.

Brocade(config-trunk-3/1-3/4)# exit

Brocade(config)# interface ethernet 3/1

Brocade(config-if-e1000-3/1)# ignore-options

If the LAG is removed, the ignore-options command will be propagated to all ports that were
previously in the LAG.

If you try to create a LAG where some of the ports have the ignore-options command configured
and some do not, the LAG will not be allowed as shown in the following example.

Brocade(config)# trunk e 3/1 to 3/2

port 3/1 ignore-options is Enabled, but port 3/2 ignore-options is Disabled

Error: port 3/1 and port 3/2 have different configurations

trunk transaction failed: trunk Config Vetoed

Configuring the ignore-options command on a LACP LAG
Just as with static LAGs, if you want to configure the ignore-options command on an LACP LAG, the
command must be enabled on all ports within the LAG. If it is not, the LACP LAG will not be
accepted as shown in the following.

Brocade(config)#lag sta_lag static

Brocade(config-lag-sta_lag)#ports e 1/3 to 1/4

Brocade(config-lag-sta_lag)#primary-port 1/3


Brocade(config-lag-sta_lag)#int e 1/3


Brocade(config)#lag sta_lag static

Brocade(config-lag-sta_lag)#ports e 1/3 e 1/4

Brocade(config-lag-sta_lag)#primary-port 1/3


port 1/3 ignore-options is Enabled, but port 1/4 ignore-options is Disabled

Error: port 1/3 and port 1/4 have different configurations

LAG sta_lag deployment failed!

Brocade(config)#int e 1/3


Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/3)#lag dyn_lag dynamic

Brocade(config-lag-dyn_lag)#ports e 1/3 e 1/4

Brocade(config-lag-dyn_lag)#primary-port 1/3


port 1/3 ignore-options is Enabled, but port 1/4 ignore-options is Disabled

Error: port 1/3 and port 1/4 have different configurations

LAG dyn_lag deployment failed!

Configuring domain name server (DNS) resolver

The DNS resolver lets you use a host name to perform Telnet, ping, and traceroute commands. You
can also define a DNS domain on a Brocade device and thereby recognize all hosts within that
domain. After you define a domain name, the Brocade device automatically appends the
appropriate domain to the host and forwards it to the domain name server.