Show commands – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Switching Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
Page 668
Multi-Service IronWare Switching Configuration Guide
About Multi-Chassis Trunk (MCT)
MAC aging
Only the local MAC entries are aged on a node. The remote MAC entries will be aged based on
explict MDUP messages only.
The remote MACs learned through MDUP messages are dynamic MACs with the exception that they
never age from FDB.
MAC flush
If the CEP port is down, the MACs are flushed and individual MAC deletion messages are sent to
the Peer.
If the CCEP local port is down, the MACs are flushed locally and individual MAC deletion messages
are sent to peer.
If the clear mac command is given, all the MDB and FDB are rebuilt.
If the clear mac vlan command is given, all the local MDB and FDB are rebuilt for that VLAN.
MAC movement happens normally on the local node.
CEP to CCEP MAC movement – MAC movement normally happens on the local node, and deletes all
the other MDBs from the peer to create a new local MDB.
CCEP to CEP MAC movement - MAC movement happens normally on the local node and delete all
the other MDBs from the peer to create a new local MDB.
Flooding support on VLANs
Brocade support the existing VLAN hardware flooding features such as unknown-unicast-flooding
and vlan-cpu-protection on cluster VLANs. However, some changes were made to the way CAM
entries are programmed. To support MCT cluster VLANs, the following changes to how the CAM is
If the ICL port is part of a PPCR, then the device will program the specific (port or VLAN) based
hardware flooding CAM entries on that PPCR. This is to avoid duplicate hardware flooding
packets to be sent to CCEP ports.
On an ICL port, the FID in pram will point to MCT_VLAN_CCEP_CONTROL_FID
On non-ICL port, the FID in pram will point to VLAN_FID
Show Commands
To display all MAC entries, use the show mac command as shown below:
Brocade# show mac
Total active entries from all ports = 120000
Type Code - ST:Static SEC:Secure 1x:Dot1x NA: NotAvail A:Allow D:Deny
CCL: Cluster Client Local CCR:Cluster Client Remote CL:Local CR:Remote
Port Type - CEP:Customer Edge PNP:Provider Network BEP:Backbone Edge
BNP:Backbone Network
Vlan Type - C:Customer S:Service B:Backbone I:ISID
MAC Address Port Age VLAN Type FDID TNID ESI
0000.0101.84ff 1/13 0 20 CCL Default_ESI
0000.0100.4780 1/13 0 20 CCR Default_ESI
0000.0800.0663 1/14 0 20 CL Default_ESI
0000.0800.0870 1/1 0 20 CR Default_ESI
Syntax: show mac